Hesitation Wound's newest release happened so fast from idea to finish product that we completely forgot to post about it! Anti-Zen is a band from DC that is simply put: awesome. We are really happy to be a part of this tape with them. You can listen to the entire full length tape on our
bandcamp page
here. You can also buy it from our bandcamp page or from our
webstore, where we have added a ton of new distro records over the past few months, with more to come.
Anti-Zen - S/t Cs
A full length cassette release from Washington, DC's Anti-Zen. 11 tracks that takes cues from bands like Rudimentary Peni and Bone Awl. Over 20 minutes of heavy, catchy, desperate, and often haunting punk. From members of Aghast and State Violence.
HWR's second tape release. HWR 7.75
We are stoked on this one, hope you are too.